Dude, you’ve really let yourself go…
Kelo ran a story this morning titled “Dude to Dad”.
Kelo ran a story this morning titled “Dude to Dad”.
A doctor has tapped into a huge source of renewable fuel to power his car – human lard. According to this article from Forbes, a liposuction doctor in LA used the love handles and lard-asses of his patients to power two SUVs.
Unfortunately, the doctor is under investigation for removing too much fat from some patients and allowing unlicensed assistants to perform some procedures.
If this practice were to go on, however, I see it killing two birds with one stone: use the obesity problem to temporarily solve the energy crisis. According to the article, one gallon of animal fat gives one gallon of fuel. So, thoretically, most americans could drive around for a week just on their own fuel reserves! I wonder what equipment one would need to do this at home…