Fox News

Today’s champion of open government: Fox News?!?!?


Actually Fox Business Network.

The network filed a FOIA request to see where exactly our tax dollars (and our kids’ and our grandkids’) are going. Due to a little heal dragging on the part of the Treasury Department, Fox sued them to force them to release the data, including details such as what “toxic” assets were purchased, any collateral involved, and any restrictions put on the use of the money.

Kevin Magee, Executive Vice President, FOX News commented, “The Treasury has repeatedly ignored our requests for information on how the government is allocating money to these troubled institutions. In a critical time like this amidst mounting corruptions and an economic crisis, we as a news organization feel it’s more important than ever to hold the government accountable.”

So there you have it. The journalistic crusaders at Fox have shown today that every once in a while,  they do something right. Here’s hoping they win.

Dick Cheney’s wet dream

From FOX news

WALLACE: This is at the core of the controversies that I want to get to with you in a moment. If the president during war decides to do something to protect the country, is it legal?

CHENEY: General proposition, I’d say yes. You need to be more specific than that. I mean — but clearly, when you take the oath of office on January 20th of 2001, as we did, you take the oath to support and defend and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

There’s no question about what your responsibilities are in that regard. And again, I think that there are bound to be debates and arguments from time to time, and wrestling back and forth, about what kind of authority is appropriate in any specific circumstance.

But I think that what we’ve done has been totally consistent with what the Constitution provides for.

Beautiful Sarah, less than perfect

A Fox News blog is up in arms because of Newsweeks cover story on ‘joe sixpack’ showing “every imperfection on her beautiful face. We’re talking unwanted facial hair, wrinkles and un-extracted pores. Calling it unflattering is an understatement. Trust me.”

It’s great how Fox blogger Ms Tantaros likens Palins’ ‘just-like-you-and-me’ folksiness as being too busy to worry about things such as tweezing, waxing and moisturizing. Hell, “Palin’s got an election to win, a jam-packed campaign schedule, a state to run, and five children. She’s not perfect. She’s real.”

The Fox Forum