
Wealth redistribution: Popular with South Dakotans

Dissing Obama’s supposed “income redistribution plan” is pretty popular in SD these days. What most here won’t admit or realise is that our state is on federal welfare and has been for some time.

Check THIS out for the numbers.

In 2005 (the most current year in the study), we got back$1.53 for every dollar we sent to the federal government.

In other words, the tax dollars of other states are being redistributed to fund our low tax lifestyle.

Many of you have seen the Johnson/Munson ad where Munson does everything but fellate Johnson for bringing in so much money for pet projects around SF. Rep. Herseth-Sandlin also mentions in her ads the money she’s helped to bring in while she’s been in congress. Why are we as frugal, up-by-the-bootstraps (whatever that means), God-fearing South Dakotans electing such welfare queens to office?

Could it be that deep down, we really like the idea of wealth redistribution?Â