I’ve been saying this past election cycle that the KCPO local political talk show ‘The Facts’ has just been a mouthpiece for the SD GOP. The one time they let someone from the other side on the show, Jan Nicolay, she gets pumelled by everyone’s favorite cartoonist turned book illustrator, turned plagiarist, turned TV host, Jason FolkArts. While Brandi Whine Gross from the anti-choice side gets to spout whatever crap she wanted too.

Well it didn’t work. It seems your show is about as successful as your cartooning.

And BTW, a special note too Kristi (Stewart) Golden who appeared on the show awhile back with her election predictions – John McCain didn’t win in a walk. Maybe it had something to do with your ex-employer, Larry Pressler endorsing Barack Obama. (Gawd, that has to burn)

Former Pressler staffer and staunch Neo-Con Kristi (Stewart) Golden couldn’t be too happy to here this news;

Former Sen. Larry Pressler (R-S.D.), who was the first Vietnam veteran to serve in the United States Senate, is the latest Republican to back Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, Politico learned Sunday.

Pressler, who said that in addition to casting an absentee ballot for Obama he’d donated $500 to the Illinois senator’s campaign, cited the Democrat’s response to the financial crisis as the primary reason for his decision.

“I just got the feeling that Obama will be able to handle this financial crisis better, and I like his financial team of [former Treasury Secretary Robert] Rubin and [former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul] Volcker better,” he said. By contrast, John McCain’s “handling of the financial crisis made me feel nervous” [Alexander Burns, “Former GOP Senator, Vet Backs Obama,” Politico.com, 2008.10.26]

On a recent episode of the FACTS(?) on KCPO Kristi said that McCain would win ‘in a walk’. I wonder what she thinks of her former boss’ endorsement?

H/T Madville

Yesterday my buddy FolkArts who hosts the show had on another Republican talking head on his show, even though he claims that he has ‘Republican and Democratic viewpoints’. When was that?

Yesterday’s guest was former Pressler press secretary and everyone’s favorite female SF neo-con Kristi (Stewart) Golden. Her talking points were more like a comedy act.

Like most neo-cons in this state she;

          Complained that Dykstra isn’t getting the attention he deserves (wah) and has a better grasp of the issues then Johnson. (you mean the fact that he worked for big oil?)

          That Initiative Ten would prevent family members to contribute money to campaigns if they work for the state. (flat out lie)

          Initiative 11 is actually good for women because it contains exceptions. (even though those exceptions would be impossible to obtain because of the long drawn out court process)

          And last but not least, John McSame would win by a ‘Walk’ (I had clean coffee off my wall after that statement – and trust me, hot coffee shooting through your nose is not fun).


Nothing like a little Sunday morning neo-con BS to get you day going.