Sioux Falls, circa 1948 or 2008?

I’m beginning to enjoy Argus columnist Matt Okerlund’s column. This week he writes about apathy and ignorance, I think?

Anyway, keep yourself informed in these contentious times. Knowledge is free.

Quit trading secrets. If we learn nothing else from the eight long years of the Bush presidency, it ought to be that some people believe being elected entitles them to do whatever their hearts desire, and that if they don’t want to tell the electorate what they’re up to, they don’t have to tell them.

Neither is true.

And he slaps the SF Secret District around a bit.

When a school board names a school, the public has a right to know all the other names the board considered.

And this lines made me laugh;

If transparency and public scrutiny make you uncomfortable, join the Masons.

No shit!

Life is no Norman Rockwell painting.