
Shrub gets shoes slung at him

Close, but no cigar. But Barbie doll-Nurse Ratchet look-alike Dana Perino got a black eye when a microphone nailed her in the wrestle down.

The Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes was formerly held for ransom by terrorists and beaten. He yelled while throwing the shoes, “This is for the orphans and widows of Iraq” He also said “this is a farewell kiss, dog.” & “This is the end.” (Apparently he is a Doors fan. Estimates have the Iraqi death toll as high as 1 million. It is the highest insult in middleeastern culture to have a shoe thrown at you. That’s why iraqis beat the statue of Saddam with their shoes when it was torn down. When Bush was interviewed later after the attack he said, “Not sure what his beef was.”

Gee? I wonder?