. . while officials fixed Mayor’s Huether’s hair.

The misplaced lump-like duck tail in the back was noticed by a Stormland TV reporter and quickly reported to the proper authorities. After the incident, Huether joked,

“It’s okay folks, really it is. It’s not like we were dumping 10 million gallons of raw sewage in the Sioux River, this was just a few hairs out of place. Hopefully the state won’t fine us over it.”

But the state director of political appearances says,

“Not so fast. While it was good the city had an immediate emergency response to Mike’s hair, it almost rates up there with an incident a few years back when a Rapid City TV station attempted to get a full body shot of Ted Klaudt. They found out the hard way and had to pay a $300 fine.”

In these trying times of woe, when our own illegitimate president from Kenya is attempting to destroy our economy, take over all our hospitals, and kill our grannies, it’s nice to know we can still count on the LORD to send us true Real American Patriots like Michelle Bachmann.


On a conference call the other day, along with North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx – who correctly exposed the murder of that gay kid in Wyoming as a hoax, and former Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave – who bravely stood her ground even as it became obvious that the people of her district had mistakenly elected her Godless heathen democrat opponent, Bachmann exposed president Barry Hussein’s true agenda:

“We all need to consider that in God’s timing that he may have allowed us, as members of Congress, to be in the position that we’re in just for this specific issue right now,” she said. “Everything that all of us have worked together and labored for over the years, all of it could be undermined with this one bill. President Obama realizes that. The radicals that are on the pro-abortion left, they realize that. They could win it all. And the unborn, and the vulnerable, the disabled and those at the end of life could lose it it all.”

Without such brave Real American Patriots in the halls of congress, people might start believing the myths that the government doesn’t want to send your grandmas to government-run glue factories.


See ya later, fornicators!

Minuteman out.

Besides David Frum being a total POS, now he claims sarcasm and satire have no place in the presidential race. Who made him joke God? What is it with conservatives and satire? He thinks it is okay to call people running for president terrorists, but not okay to crack jokes about Republicans.

Rachel Maddow schools him on satire.

Frum, who unbelievably has the nerve to sit in judgment of anyone when his carefully crafted propaganda led us into an unnecessary war, employs the Republican tried and true method of creating false equivalencies to defend the indefensible tactics of the McCain campaign. And his target isn’t the expected Barack Obama or even Bill Clinton, but Rachel Maddow herself.

That’s right. For Frum — who by the way, has only a glancing relationship with facts — has the bad manners in addition to flawed thought process to tell Maddow that using snark and humor in her news show brings down the national dialogue just as much as McCain and Palin’s race baiting and fear mongering.