SF City Council

Coffee with the Council

Once again during the informational meeting yesterday some councilors mentioned they had another public input meeting last Saturday, something they are calling Coffee with the council. They were puzzled why no one showed up. Even though the city clerk said the press release did get to the media on Thursday, no one really picked up on in in the media, and the fact that Sidewalk Arts Festival was going on and there was no parking. I have a feeling they want this to fail so they can claim “Everybody seems to be happy about the job we are doing, that’s why no one shows up to these events.” Poppycock. Plenty of people show up, especially lately, to the council meetings for public input, the BEST time to address the council about concerns, in my opinion. Why? Because it is filmed and put on the record, not only what the public has to say but what the councilors answers are. Talking to you over a donut and coffee isn’t really the most effective way to make sure you are proactive. Getting you on the record is.

The Argus editorial board is correct . . . for now

Just because I posed the question, doesn’t mean I don’t already know the answer. I feel the ethics committee will allow Litz and Jamison to vote. That is not what this is about, it is about setting a precedence with a legal opinion from the ethics committee. What am I getting at? Well, if Jamison and Litz vote on the fee increase, either yes or no, they will have eliminated themselves from ever developing in the areas that are affected. When the ethics committee tells you there is no conflict, that means to me, at the time of the vote. In the future if they benefit from the fee increase in their respective businesses, then an actual complaint can and will be filed.

Don’t think we won’t be watching.

Why I asked for an ethics opinion

This all started on Sunday, August 22, when a concerned citizen asked me if i thought Litz and Jamison had a conflict of interest. We both looked over Sioux Falls code of ethics and state law and basically came to  the conclusion, there may be a conflict. I suggested in all fairness that we inform the council about it and let them resolve it on their own, or at least give them the opportunity to. I forwarded my concerns to the city clerk to disperse to ALL of the councilors. I guess one other citizen (that I know of) contacted ALL of the councilors himself by email. After hearing what excuses they had in some interviews with them on TV, I came to the conclusion they were not going to move forward on this themselves.

What would have been the appropriate move by our elected officials?

Well, basically to ask the ethics committee on their own whether they thought there was a conflict, they decided to act smug (as usual) about it. So I discussed it again with some concerned citizens and decided I would be the messenger.

I am not naive. I know how the mayor appointed ethics committee will rule. Probably in their favor. There is millions of dollars at stake here and I’m sure they have already gotten personal phone calls from the Mayor. What is important is that the committee tells us why they will make the decision they will. I want that on the table before the September 15th vote.

I have a feeling, that once again our rubberstamp council will approve the tax increases, instead learning how to make cuts to a bloated budget. I am beginning to wonder if any of them really want to work for their $17,000 a year pay check.


I’ll have to admit, this is the first time a journalist has ever quoted me verbatim. I owe you a beer Ben.

Wednesday he said that he turned in the request because he wanted a definitive opinion on if Jamison and Litz will face a conflict of interest when they vote on this issue.

KSFY’s story is even better. Bob, I suggest you just chill out. No one is saying you did anything wrong, just questioning your intentions. That’s it.

The Argus Leader’s take on it.