
Mayor Munson and Vernon Brown are the Bestest!

I hope the Gargoyle Leader’s editorial board gargled after writing this piece.

I love how the column was laced with assumptions. Like this line which was pointed at Staggers who was actually questioning state law, which we expect out of our lawmakers.

Costello argued persuasively without resorting to scare tactics or histrionics. Unfortunately, others speaking in opposition to the tax increase couldn’t resist crossing that line.

Or this line, which I find ironic, since just a week ago you thought the tax increase was the best thing since sliced bread, but now all of sudden you are wondering if it will work. Talk about skirting your responsibility on taking a position (which I disagree with, because newspapers shouldn’t be in that business anyway).

Was raising the tax, which amounts to 8 additional cents on a $100 purchase, the right move? It’s impossible to know.